website link:

Use Quizlet to practice your vocabulary! Click here!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

homework for Thursday, 4/26

7th grade: B day - keine! Took 3A quiz today.
A day - study for quiz tomorrow!!
8th grade: Study for Ch. 9 test tomorrow!!
Remember to call in and tell me what you must do at home and what you don't have to do!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

homework 4/24

7th grade:
3A test Thursday/Friday!
8th grade:
1. Finish WS 9-3
2. speaking assignment due this weekend. Say 3 things you must do at home and 2 you don't have to do.
3. Ch. 9 quiz Freitag.

Monday, April 23, 2012

homework for Monday, 4/23

7th grade: Quiz 3A Friday - Study from study guide!!

8th grade:
A. Finish Karsten WS,
B. speaking assignment due this weekend: 3 things you must do and 2 that you don't have to do.
C. Ch. 9 test on Friday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

homework for Thursday, 4/19

7th grade: quiz next Friday. Study guides completed from class today. Use them to study!!
8th grade: Finish WS 9-4 from class. SPEAKING ASSIGNMENT due this weekend.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

homework for Wednesday, 4/18

7th grade: Work on study guide, test next Thursday
8th grade: Finish make up work! Speaking about activities due this weekend.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

homework for Tuesday, 4/17

7th grade: Finish GV42 from class
8th grade: Finish WS 9-2
Speaking assignment due on Friday.

Friday, April 13, 2012

homework for 4/13

7th grade: Keine :)
8th grade: Upload blogs if not already turned in. Must be uploaded by Saturday morning to not have a 0 for progress reports.
Speaking assessment about rooms due tonight! Also must be done by Saturday morning to not have a 0 for progress reports!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

homework 4/12

8th grade:
1. 8B quiz tomorrow - study study guide!!
2. dream room blod due today at midnight: upload or e-mail. You may also turn in a hard copy tomorrow in class.
3. speaking assessment due Friday at midnight.
All 3 scores WILL be included in the progress reports sent out next week.

7th grade:
none - continue studying vocabulary.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

homework for 4/10/12

8th grade:
1. Dream room blog due Thursday by midnight.
2. Speaking assignment (talk about your room - 20 points) due Friday.
3. 8B quiz on Friday.

7th grade: Keine! :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

homework for 4/9/12

8th grade: Blog writing assignment due Thursday by midnight (uploaded to my moodle), Speaking assignment (20 points!) due Freitag by midnight, 8B quiz on Freitag!

7th grade: keine :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

8th grade speaking assignment!

Don't forget to call in for your weekly assignment: use durch, gegen, um, and für!
Call 512-843-3728 or 314-729-2400, x2225!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

homework for 4/5

7th grade: keine! none!
8th grade: speaking assignment is due by Friday at midnight. 8B quiz next Friday!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


7th grade homework: keine! none!
8th grade homework: Call voicemail and tell me about the accusative prepositions! Due Friday by midnight! 8B quiz NEXT Friday!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

8th grade speaking assessment!!

I have graded the speaking assessments due Friday at midnight, and 4 people in 6th hour still have to call in. However, 14(!!!) students in 1st hour have still not called in! No matter how badly you think you're going to do, I can guarantee it won't be as bad as the 0 you currently have!